Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Road Trip!!! SD to NOLA

I am going on a road trip from San Diego to New Orleans. You may ask Why? Mostly to ride with my son who is begining graduate school at Tulane.  He will need the car.

We figure 1820 miles of mostly desert then marsh/swamps- So I think I will take pictures every 100 miles and let you know what we see. (Ok don't expect to much). We are not leaving until the end of May but if you absolutely know somewhere we MUST stop at (It must be close to the 10) please add your comments below.
I know my EL Centro friends will say Stop here, but I must admit our first over night will be Tucson, AZ and unfortunately El Centro is actually pretty close to San Diego so I think we will buzz by about 7 am which doesn't make for a good guest stop.


  1. I was thinking it would be cool to go to Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico but I looked up the directions and it's not off the I-10. Sorry. I have no other great ideas. I was thinking of funny tours....the stuff you love
    Have fun!

  2. Is this Nick? Assuming he graduated from Irvine but Caitlin has lost touch. Safe travels and keep us updated...take lots of water for the desert! Looking forward to photos of the tarantulas! ha ha

  3. Good Morning,
    We have missed you here in the Valley, nice weather for this time of year, but it soon will be on us. Have a safe trip, we will keep up with your travels. Hugs Bob & Betty Jo.
