Monday, April 27, 2009

Lost (&Confused) Horizon-China Update

China always takes a long term view. They have been around over 5,000 years
Keep this in mind as you read my attempt at making a stressful situation humorous.

Getting a "Z" Visa in China has become getting an F&Z Visa.  
Here is the process.

a medical exam
a letter from someone in china inviting you to come over
a employment letter from a company in China
apply for z visa
Doesn't this (above) sound so simple!

An update(or as much as "we", aka Paul and I, the confused, can tell you)!

Call all, Chinese Embassy(s)  in USA numbers to get the prerecorded message(s) then leave messages which will go unanswered. There appear to be  no live people in these mystery places just recordings.
Now save yourself some worry(hahahaha)and get a relocation agency to assist you in the process.
They are trying to help but the email messages are so tricky. 
Does a "we" mean me and Paul or does it mean "we" as in Paul, Me and the relocation company or "we" the relocation company only? 
Does "I will start the process" mean while you work on your end? I think not!!!!
Yes I am ranting.

Medical Exam to get into China to work-- it is harder than becoming a Navy Seal-- blood, hiv, hep B\A , Aids test, EKG,Chest xray, physical etc. Get an "approved by China" doctor to do all the tests, bring all films, originals of all tests, with signed Chinese Medical Form, and send it all to China.
Invite Letter- takes 15-20 days, mas o menas, but not until you get all medical exam completed.
Employment Letter- takes 4-5 days, and I think it is a letter from Paul's company(China division) saying they want him to work in China, so it must be issued and stamped-Chinese like their "Stamps".  Again Not until you complete the medical exam.
Apply for Z visa- get all (we think as our inquiry to embassy is awaiting tranlation -including xray and ekg etc)of the originals of everything you had done above  sent to you in USA then get it to the Chinese embassy and they might get you the visa in 3-5 days.
IF you get the "F&Z Visa" go to China and repeat all the steps plus a few more, including registering with the Police so you can get another permit to reside here!
So you ask when are you leaving? 
We can't tell you, it is in God's and the rulers of Middle Kingdoms hands
How long will you be there (if you get through the process)? 
As long as it takes to get through the next set of hoops...
 it could  be 10 -12 months in which case Paul will be done with his project.
with humor, SMILES DI
Lastly, Swine FLU may prevent entry or exit....Ugh!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Hi all,
I haven't gone anywhere so I guess I am on a staycation!  A friend recently used this and explained it was staying in your home town and doing stuff you normally do when company comes from out of town.

This got me thinking; What do I do now that I do when company comes to town?  

I clean more, Yes I have been doing that since I am not working (outside the HOME!!!).  
I  go out eat, Yes, I am doing that but not really more we must always be staycationers.
I hike and go for walks on beach, Yes, But again we live in San Diego -We do this for exercise.

Ok, I have not gone to Disney since the  "last company" but we have zoo passes and seaworld so we stop in for an hour about once a month. 
 Side Note: Sick as it is....Why don't we ever see crazy ladies jump into the polar bear exhibit -----during feeding time?
Nick gave the perspective of the polar bears.   "Hey, feeding time and they just chucked in a crazed overgrown seal!! WeeHa".  The bear was just excited like getting easter candy to little kids.  
Sorry, my mind wanders back to staycations.

I don't think I like "staycations". I  don't like the word or the ?meaning?  I am confused.  It is ugly to mix vacation and staycation. I don't want the "stay" I want the "VACATION"  as defined by websters:

Main Entry:1va·ca·tion
Pronunciation:\vā-ˈkā-shən, və-\
Usage:often attributive
Middle English vacacioun, from Anglo-French vacacion, from Latin vacation-, vacatio freedom, exemption, from vacare
14th century
1: a respite or a time of respite from something : intermission
2 a: a scheduled period during which activity (as of a court or school) is suspended b: a period of exemption from work granted to an employee
3: a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation

4: an act or an instance of vacating

Now according to "Urban Dictionary" (as this is a made up word Webster doesn't even recognize it!)
A vacation that is spent at one's home enjoying all that home and one's home environs have to offer.

Let me just finish by saying: Excuse me but isn't that what we should be doing everyday?
regular day:
A regular day(removed vacation) that is spent at one's home enjoying all that home and one's home environs have to offer.

Lastly, while living in China I think I will do both "staycation and vacation" depending on my mood on that particular day...I hope you will keep  up with me. 
Smiles to all Have a pleasant stayca...oops I mean day!